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Wilson School Park

Park Information

Wilson School Park is a 6.5-acre area of the Wilson Elementary School campus owned by the Medford School District that is maintained by the Medford Parks and Recreation Department. The City of Medford partnered with the School District to develop the school parkland in 1979-80. The school park is an economical and mutually beneficial cooperation between public agencies aiding the City's longstanding goal to provide parkland within a half-mile of each residence within the city limits.  We ask that you please respect both the school and park patrons by policing your trash and animal waste.

For campus safety and security reasons, the School Park site is closed during school hours, for after-school programs and events, and at the discretion of school administration. During regular school days, the park is unlocked from 6 pm until 7:20 am the next day.  During weekends, the park is unlocked at 6 pm on the last school day and remains open until 7:20 am on the next school day following. Please respect the Medford Parks closing time and exit the park by 10:30 pm.

Wilson School Park can be accessed through three points of entry:  the parking lot gates off Corona Ave. and Grand Ave., and from Veila Street on the west side of the building.

For more information, please visit the City of Medford Public Parks website.